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Tuesday 1 March 2011

My Favourite Technology Tool– Dropbox

Okay, I’m new to blogging. Well professional blogging that is. I used to blog about my travels as I gallivanted around the globe. The thing is, is that I never put much thought into my blog, as only my family and friends read it.

Now that I’m writing a blog about digital technologies I find myself getting anxious every time I go to write a blog post. Am I being unoriginal? Has someone already blogged about this? These are some of the thoughts that would go through my head. Then my husband gave me some great advice. Blog about what you are passionate about and don’t worry about whether or not you are being 'original', as that isn’t what blogging is about.  He was right and I have tried to stop doubting myself, however, I’m still not 100% confident when it comes to blogging.

I follow a lot of blogs and through one of them I discovered a blog called Teacher Challenge.  This is a blog that focuses on providing teachers with free online professional learning. It’s relatively new and their first course was about kick starting your blogging with a series of challenges over thirty days.

One of the challenges was to blog and share/review a technology tool that you love.

One tool that I absolutely love and without a doubt has saved my life is Dropbox! I don’t like to think about my life before Dropbox. I used to work off USB and thought it was great. Great until I lost my USB with all my teacher resources. Sure I backed my resources up on my computer but not as often as I should have.

I was then introduced to Dropbox and the idea of cloud sharing. Now, thanks to my husband Dropbox runs off my USB and syncs to my online account and I never have to worry about losing any information ever again.

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